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Crowdfunding – Preparation, Do’s and Don’ts

Crowdfunding through sites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Crowdfunder, and the like, is an increasingly popular method of funding a project, product or company. Those approaching a crowdfunding effort should prepare from a legal perspective long before...
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Congratulations to the team: “K2: Siren of the Himalayas”

Congratulations to my friends and clients, the Producers of “K2: Siren of the Himalayas” on the release of their outstanding film (note those palm fronds), opening in New York on August 22 ! I can attest that the film is a compelling look...
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Filmmaker & Creatives Business Practices – 4 Must Do’s

Aspiring filmmakers and creatives often let the contract and business details be an afterthought, thinking “that’s not fun. Or creative. And I don’t have the budget for that un-fun, un-creative stuff.  I’m working with my...
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Ed Sullivan clip and the Fair Use Analysis

A recent (March 2013) opinion by the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (covering the West Coast and many of Western states) provides an excellent analysis of U.S. copyright law and the fair use defense. In SOFA Entertainment, Inc., v. Dodger Productions,...
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You can’t afford NOT to hire an entertainment lawyer.

I often receive calls from creatives with business and legal questions about their project. Many thinly funded project leaders balk when they find out that an attorney (including yours truly) charges from $375 per hour and up  – to negotiate...
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